Superstition Mountains Video
Tour of the Bulldog mine
Another entry into the archives of the Superstition Mountain Archival Project, Greg Davis and Jack San Felice take a tour into the depths of the Bulldog Mine.
Tour of the Bulldog mine
An archival video from the collection of Tom Kollenborn, featuring a helicopter flight over various locations in the Superstition Mountains, with narration provided by Tom Kollenborn
Old Wasp Mine Milling Operation
An archival video filmed by Greg Davis of the Superstition Mountain Historical Society, doing a tour and walkthrough of the working of the old Wasp Mine milling operation, with narration by Clay Worst.
Interview with Ludwig "Doc" Rosecrans
An archival video filmed by Tom Kollenborn of his interview with Ludwig "Doc" Rosecrans.
Petroglyphs in the Superstition Mountains
An archival video filmed by Thomas Kollenborn of his search with Monte Edwards for a group of petroglyphs that they wished to document in the Superstition Mountains.
La Mina de la Sombrero
An archival video filmed by Thomas Kollenborn of La Mina de la Sombrero, featuring Bob Ward and his cabin.
DeGrazia Superstition Mountain Fact and Fiction
An archival film about the history and life of Ted DeGrazia.
Preparation for the 1997 Dons Trek and Legendrama
An archival film by Greg Davis of the Dons of Arizona preparing the base camp for their annual trek and Legendrama recreation.
Driving Down Apache Trail with Tom Kollenborn
An archival film by Tom Kollenborn as he drives down Apache Trail, showing what the road used to look like and going through Fish Creek, an area now closed due to the road being closed.
Thomas Kollenborn on Adolph Ruth's Death
An archival film featuring Thomas Kollenborn discussing the circumstances surrounding the mysterious death of Adolph Ruth.
The Lost Dutchman Mine with Tom Kollenborn
An archival film featuring Thomas Kollenborn discussing the history of Jacob Waltz and the Lost Dutchman Mine in the Superstition Mountains.
Rogers Canyon Iron Ore Cart Mine
An archival film from Greg Davis featuring Jack Carlson and Elizabeth Stewart on a trip into Rogers Canyon to the Iron Ore Cart Mine located in the Superstition Mountains.
Millsite Canyon
An archival film from Greg Davis featuring Jack San Felice on a trip to Millsite Canyon to investigate an azurite mine and an iron ore mine on the old road to Millsite.